Teddy Bear - Quiet Book - Timimi Shop Mauritius
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My Teddy Bear – 7 Pages Quiet Book

Book Size: 20 x 20 cm (8 x 8 inches)

Age Guide: 1 - 3 years old

Main Material: Felt, Cotton and Different Accessories (Buttons, Zips, Velcro, Elastic etc)

My Teddy Bear Quiet Book is specially designed on fun, interactive & early learning activities based on Montessori approach. It provides a good introduction to colours, shapes, matching, pairing and other fine motor & cognitive skill activities. Perfect for on the go playtime!

Page 1:
Meet Teddy, your little finger puppet friend as he hops out of the balloon basket. Button and unbutton the white cloud for some fine motor practice.

Page 2:
The shapes page allows the child to match basic geometric shapes, identify and name them. The shapes are backed by velcro and can be detached and reattached.

Page 3:
A Baby Shark inspired magnetic fishing activity. Sing along and use the rod to catch the sharks! . A great and favourite activity that encourages hand to eye coordination.

Page 4:
Play with the beautiful rainbow. Have fun naming the colours of the rainbow and matching the drops!

Page 5:
A beautiful tree with red apples and yellow pears on velcro hook and loop that can be plucked, collected and sorted in a basket.
Since the apples are on velcro, detaching them promotes the early use of pincer grip. You can also throw counting into the activity in a low key way so you get talking about numbers (while sorting the red apples and yellow pears and counting, for example). "How many apples can you count"? Or "How many pears are on the tree and how many in the basket"?

Page 6:
Stack the xylophone bars according to their size. This introduces the concept of order and sequence along with size.

Page 7:
Introduce your child to some fun lacing, zipper and buckle activities by opening up the school bag.

All of the parts of this Quiet Book have been carefully handmade with love.

Note: Fabrics and colours used in the book may slightly differ from batch to batch.

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