How to care for your quiet books - Timimi Shop Mauritius
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How to care for your Quiet Books

Hand Washing

Here are some handy tips on how to hand wash your book and keep them in tip top shape.

You will need:

  • A clean sink
  • Right temperature water
  • Mild liquid hand wash
  • Clean towels

Step 1: Ensure the sink where you wash and the area where you dry is clean so your books won't pick up new stains.

Step 2: Follow the quiet book cleaning/washing and drying procedure as in this tutorial.

  • Dipping the book in extremely hot water or giving it an ice bath will weaken its fibres / make it hard eventually.
  • If you machine wash it, follow the tutorial below.
  • When in doubt, stick to conservative cleaning with dry or slightly moist cloth. Do not rub hard.
  • Do not soak.
  • Always start with a small patch to test.
  • If the page / piece has a stain, add a smidgen of the soap to the spot and gently rub it in with your fingers.
  • Rinse thoroughly. Do not leave any soap behind.
  • Remove excess water by pressing the piece / page in a towel as shown in the video.
  • Do not wring or squeeze or twist it with can distort it.

Step 3: Air Dry for at least 12 hours or until completely dry.

Your Quiet Book is now clean!

Machine Wash